Hi, I am Jami,

Welcome. You found me for a reason. Maybe you want to live or feel healthier. Maybe you’re ready to turn your thoughts about your exercise goals into action. Maybe you wish to lose weight, gain strength, or become more flexible. Maybe you need assisted stretching to alleviate chronic pain, or customized stretching to improve your swing. Maybe you want to improve your strength and ability after an injury or setback. You are here for a reason. Let’s get started.

Jami’s Bio.

Fitness has been a part of my life for more than 30 years. I have participated in various sports such as long-distance backpacking, trail running, alternative triathlons, Sprint and Olympic triathlons, weightlifting, Olympic weightlifting competitions, obstacle course racing, and many more. I have my Master’s degree in Counseling, working as a licensed Therapist for two decades. I earned a 500-hr Therapeutic Yoga Specialist Certification, practicing yoga for 25 years and teaching for more than 15 years. I have my Personal Training Certification, along with Fitness Nutrition Certification, providing training and nutrition counseling for more than 10 years. I am always training for the next event in life…whatever that may be.

Flexible Fitness Approach

  1. Get to know more about you, your goals, your health, relatable past experiences, and any obstacles standing in your way.

  2. Begin devising a plan of action through our conversation.

  3. Meet weekly to continually develop your training. Committing to your training is what produces results.

  4. Provide you strategic workouts, nutrition coaching, or other depending on your goals.

  5. Communicate regarding your experiences each week to help navigate your training.

  6. Realize how great it is to have fitness training that specifically supports achieving your goals. Flexible Fitness your anatomy, your personality, your obstacles and knows how to help your unique body work for you.

  7. Witness your success with great satisfaction.

  8. On to the next goal!

It all begins with an idea, a goal, something to achieve (even if that idea is simply staying healthy and strong).


think it, plan it, live it

Be strong. Stay fit. Practice yoga. Gain Balance. Perform a Triathlon. Achieve a healthier lifestyle. Eat better. Run a 10K. Lose weight. Excel in your sport. Be flexible. Alleviate pain.

Whatever you want to achieve, you CAN!

With the right guidance, from the right trainer, you can achieve your goals. It’s a partnership, and two is always better than one.

All health needs are important

Your body, your mind, your emotions are all impacted by how you live. Do you respect your body? Being “fit” is more than exercise alone. Education is key to understanding how our actions affects who we are, how we feel, and how we see the world.

Your health is priority #1. The healthier you are the more enjoyable your life will be.

Stay fit today, Live fit tomorrow.